Ice Pro Elite
Fat Freezing

Ice Pro Elite Fat Freezing

Ice Pro Elite Fat Freezing is different to other non-surgical lipo treatments that use lasers. Ice Pro Elite lipo freezes the fat in the treatment area of your choice. When frozen to a controlled temperature (-5c) the fat cells crystallise and die.

It is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction; it is a futuristic body sculpting treatment that celebrities love.

We can treat various stubborn areas on your body like….muffin top, love handles, back fat, bingo wings and inner/outer thighs. The advantages of Ice Pro Elite Cryotherapy compared to other fat busting treatments are that it’s one session, results are permanent and its effectiveness is clinically proven.

You will be able to return to your everyday activities straight after the treatment so there is no downtime involved whatsoever.

Clinical studies have shown cryogenic liposuction treatment to be effective on between 20% – 40%* of the fat cells in the treatment area in just one session. During the weeks following treatment these destroyed cells are processed through your lymphatic system. Results can be seen in as little as two weeks, although it may take up to 12 weeks for you to see the full effects of cryo or fat freezing.

For best results your practitioner will discuss your after care and treatment plan.

  • Buttocks/Knees

  • Outer Thighs

  • Inner Thighs

  • Hips

  • Lower Abdomen

  • Upper Abdomen

  • Back

  • Arms

Ice Pro Elite Fat Freezing pricing

single treatment £125
course of 2 treatments £165
course of 3 treatments £190

For a free consultation or more information please fill out the contact form a the bottom of the website.

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